


  • my thinkpad (x230t) is dead. structural failure, according to the subreddit. keeps randomly turning itself off, even when not under strain. fun.

  • my biomom has a spare macbook laying around (2016, unsure if reg/pro), that shes gonna send me. ive never owned a macos device, so that should be fine at least.

  • why the hell haven't scrolling tiling wms caught on? for reference, this is a window manager with the typical tiling features, but instead of being limited to multiple pages that are the size your screen, the entire workspace infinitely scrolls left to right. it is so incredibly nice to use, i sincerely do not get why it hasn't caught on. the only one around is paperwm, which while fine, is very buggy. i want this feature standalone from gnome, though! something comparable in elementary os would make me switch back to elementary in a heartbeat.

  • i hate to be the one to whine about the “crazy ex”, but i am so sick of my ex of 4 months currently. they essentially tried to bar me from all our shared social circles, after i started dating someone FOUR MONTHS after we broke up. and they keep reaching out to “apologize”, then promptly blocking me on whatever platform they're on immediately afterwards. a tiring mess, is what it is.

nothing substantial to post currently. just thoughts. i hope to have some more interesting content in the next few days, because writing fiction or thought pieces is definitely therapeutic.